
Franciscan Health Community Outreach Video
This video literally brings tears to my eyes every time I reflect on how fortunate I was to work with such amazing community heroes & to have the opportunity to bring people together in such uncertain times. Masks save lives, people.
New Years at Siesta Key 2016
We had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit Scheffer's dad's place down in Siesta Key over Christmas break to round off the new year. I'd say we lived it up just fine. Special shout out to the Merrell's for letting us steal the kayaks and to Doc Scheff for letting us crash at the 'ole bachelor…
LiDAR Scan of the Historic Milam Building
Advanced LiDAR scanning of the historic Milam Building in San Antonio, TX, which was once the largest building in the world to support air conditioning with the help of the world-renowned San Antonio River Walk.
Reckon Point Podcast Teaser
Teaser for Reckon Point's New Podcast due to release in early 2018. Stay tuned for details & more information on the tech industry, location-based advertising, indoor navigation, robotics & more!
San Antonio Airport LiDAR Scan
LiDAR scans collected by MIGSU and processed into point clouds using Autodesk Recap. The scan reveals the minute details collected during our tenure working with the San Antonio International Airport while building an indoor wayfinding solution for passing travelers.
Franciscan Health Community Outreach Video
This video literally brings tears to my eyes every time I reflect on how fortunate I was to work…
Australian Adventure 2019
Had the opportunity to visit my sister down unda. Needless to say, we took full advantage of the…
New Years at Siesta Key 2016
We had the opportunity of a lifetime to visit Scheffer's dad's place down in Siesta Key over…
LiDAR Scan of the Historic Milam Building
Advanced LiDAR scanning of the historic Milam Building in San Antonio, TX, which was once the…
Reckon Point Podcast Teaser
Teaser for Reckon Point's New Podcast due to release in early 2018. Stay tuned for details & more…
San Antonio Airport LiDAR Scan
LiDAR scans collected by MIGSU and processed into point clouds using Autodesk Recap. The scan…